🚀 Introducing the BOOSTalent Project: Revolutionizing Innovation and Entrepreneurship for 2030 🌟

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the BOOSTalent project, a dynamic initiative that unites an esteemed eight-partner consortium. Comprising five leading higher education institutions and three visionary business partners, the consortium is set to redefine institutional innovation and entrepreneurship practices for a brighter future.

🌐 Vision 2030: Shaping Tomorrow's Innovators 🌐

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Факултет по изчислителна техника и автоматизация със съдействието на Студентски съвет, фирма „Smart-soft“, фирма "KBC Global Services", фирма "DXC Technology Bulgaria", фирма „Adastra“, фирма „Methodia“ и фирма „myPOS“ организират олимпиада по програмиране за студенти на ТУ – Варна.

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